


Ivy in the compost. I think the next ten years will be an ongoing battle with ivy. Of course a problem once considered is often solved. a moment’s internet search pulled up good methods for removing it. Maybe just the next five years will be a battle. Some cabbage has also bolted, which I didn’t know cabbage could do. I presume the leaves work just the same. Most of my garden time will be taken up mowing the lawn for the foreseeable future, alas.


I caught up with my brother and he mentioned he had been playing Brogue on my recommendation. This has reinvigorated my desire to play it. Within my enjoyment of the game is some aspiration to produce/experience something similar to Boatmurdered, the incredible tale of a team of people passing a save file of Dwarf Fortress between them. I currently don’t live long enough to create that richness of story, alas.


I still have plenty to read but I am drawn to the library. I also have a $50 book voucher burning a hole in my pocket. I picked up 23 Arthur C Clarke books on ereader, and a book of isaac asimov short stories from a box down the road (along with some great enamel coated saucepans). I am not sure if I will persist with 100 years of solitude, alas.