
What percentage of the best and most useful information was created in the last year?


I went to my life group last night for the first time in over two months. It was really nice to catch up with the guys. We shot the breeze a lot but I also felt like we genuinely connected, especially me and the other married guy. Astonishment when James’ extended digression was directly relevant to the study later on.


We bought a new car yesterday, and picked it up today. A 2009 Toyota Sienta. It looks like what we’d see if our old car shed its skin - it’s as close to the profile of the hatchback we could get while still being bigger. This is the first car we’ve ever bought. It was a really good outcome - we’d been looking o and off for a long while, and had really considered this purchase. It’s deeply satisfying for a carefully thought out purchase to pay off. It looks so nice and I’m looking forward to getting to know it. I have christened it Lucy Rose.


Having big thoughts about making a tool to improve future work. It’s hard to wrap my head around the mechanisms - the challenge is how to convert convoluted switch statements into flowcharts, and vice versa. I’m cutting my teeth on a script we inherited that is poorly explained.